IS Ariadne
Basic Information
- Ariadne3.1 is a web-based information system developed by GrowJOB Institute under the brand LifeWeb.
- The system serves as the common basis for creating a wide range of projects from simple websites (where is used as to content management system), throught e-commerce portals and information portals to corporate Intranets and CRM systems.
- The main goals of the development of Ariadne are simplicity and intuitiveness of the user interface, maximum flexibility and easy extensibility, unified interface of all components and easy management and maintenance.
Development Characteristics
- The system is constantly being improved and new features are added. All projects based on the Ariadne are regularly updated.
- The current version is the third generation. Each generation represented a substantial improvement of the system architecture based on experience from previous versions.
- The system provides almost 50 modules which extends its functionality and provides additional features. New modules are constantly being developed.
- System includes a very sophisticated management of user groups and access rights. Great emphasis is placed on security and data protection. The reason is that the system was originally developed for regional hospital, where the data security is very important.
- System supports simultaneous operation of many languages. The system was developed for Portuguese partner and multilingualism support was therefore one of the basic requirements.
- The system is developed with maximum support for search engine optimization (SEO).
- The system includes extensive support for communication with users and connections with social networks (Facebook, Twitter, RSS, newsletters).
- The system contains modules for the construction of advanced e-shops including synchronization with accounting systems and payments through payment gateways.
- The system is being developed for more than 5 years.
- Development team has 11 members - developers, analytics, coders and designers.
- The system has now nearly 190,000 lines of source code and more than 7,000 development revisions were created during the development.
- Overall development of the project took more than 80,000 man-hours, and its price is estimated at 15 million CZK.
- The system has been used for more than 100 projects.